March 22, 2015
TODAY’S HOLY MASSES are offered for these intentions:
9:00 AM Mario Campomizzi + (req. by Giovanna & Bill May)
11:15 AM Antonia, Carlos, George and Jose Rivera + (req. by Vargas Family)
9:00 AM For the Maurer/Ziarko Families both living and deceased.
11:15 AM For the Intentions of the Belokur Family (req. by Jim Holden)
TO REQUEST AND SCHEDULE INTENTIONS for both of our Masses, please call 585-484-1810 or email to lmcommunity3@gmail.com. Leave a message which includes; name of person(s) for whom Mass will be offered; is person living or deceased?; preferred date and time of Mass (9 or 11:15 AM?); and phone number to reach you. The stipend check should be made payable to SAINT KATERI PARISH.
FOURTH SUNDAY of LENT (Laetare) March 15, 2015
9:00 Attendance: 196 Offerings: $ 2,003.03 11:15 Attendance: 192 Offerings: $ 1,578.00 --------------------------------------------- TOTAL 388 $ 3,581.03
THANK YOU for your generosity to our Community. Remember to pray for it also. More important than attendance and monetary collections is the growth of the Kingdom of God’s grace in the souls who worship here. This is the measure of true success!
SECOND COLLECTION TODAY for Easter flowers and decorations— that God’s House may be splendidly adorned!
HOW TO CONTRIBUTE Since our new Community here at St. Thomas’ will not be a legal entity, we will need to have our finances run through the books of St. Kateri Parish. Therefore, checks should be made payable to “St. Kateri Tekakwitha-Latin Mass Community” OR for short, “SKT-LMC”. Contributions can be placed in the blue envelopes OR loose in the collection baskets. Contributions deposited in envelopes from neighboring parishes will be returned to those home parishes and will not be credited to SKT-LMC. SKT-LMC envelopes deposited in neighboring parish collections will be returned and credited to us.
TO REGISTER with our Community, use the census forms found at the entrance door tables. Fill out the form and on the top write in clear letters: “LMC”. Place form in the collection basket. Welcome!
The diocesan CMA is still in progress and has the campaign name “Attitude of Gratitude.” This campaign year, at St. Thomas the Apostle, there will NOT be a CMA quota assigned to us for the St. Kateri Parish goal. Instead, both English and Latin Mass attendants are encouraged to support the CMA through St.Stanislaus Parish, where the Latin Mass Community originated and came from. The CMA supports the ministries and programs of the Diocese of Rochester and Bishop Matano encourages our participation. Why not make a donation now as a Lenten ALMS? Please consider making a pledge or a gift, using the envelopes found on the tables at the entrance doors. When filling out the personal information, write on the “parish” line: D 053 St. Stanislaus. This is important because diocesan officials have determined that the monies donated by the SKT-LMC (destined for diocesan use) will be applied to the St. Stanislaus parish quota. So, find the envelopes on the entrance door tables, fill in the necessary information, and PLEASE PLACE YOUR CMA ENVELOPES IN THE COLLECTION BASKET HERE. DO NOT MAIL. Many thanks!
THE STATIONS of the CROSS –TODAY at 12:30PM, following the Latin Mass. The English version of the traditional prayers of St. Alphonsus Liguori will be used. The devotion lasts approximately 45 minutes, during which Father Helfrich will be on hand to hear Confessions in preparation for Easter and Mercy Sunday.
ON THE SUBJECT OF CONFESSIONS, Father Helfrich is making himself available for the Sacrament of Penance every Saturday evening from 7 to 8 PM in the church, barring unforeseen illness or serious inconvenience. HOWEVER, PLEASE NOTE THAT HE CANNOT BE AVAILABLE ON HOLY SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 4. Nor can Father Bonsignore.
DAY OF PENANCE AND MERCY—will be observed throughout our Diocese this Tuesday, March 24, when parish churches will be “open for forgiveness” from 12:30 PM to 7:30 PM with priests available to hear Confessions. On that day, Father Bonsignore will be assisting at St. Anne Parish (1600 Mt. Hope Avenue) from 12:30 to 2:30 PM; and Father Helfrich will be assisting, along with Father Roman Caly, at St. Stanislaus Parish from 12:30 to 7:30 PM (except for Mass at 5:30 PM and during times of alternate breaks.).
ON PALM SUNDAY, (next week, March 29), we are planning to have the traditional Blessing of Palms and Procession before both Masses, and the Reading of the Passion Gospel during the Masses.
HOLY WEEK 2015: There will not be services here on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, or Holy Saturday. (per: Diocesan decision). You are encouraged to participate elsewhere.
MERCY SUNDAY DEVOTIONS will be held here on the Sunday after Easter, April 12, following upon the Latin Mass: Adoration, the sung Chaplet, and Benediction. It is entirely fitting and advisable to receive the Sacrament of Penance during Lent before the Mercy celebration.
ROSEMARY DONOVAN ENGLISH, mother of Father Paul English CSB, pastor of St. Kateri Parish, recently “fell asleep in the Lord” and entered eternal life. A resident of Syracuse, her Funeral Mass took place there at Most Holy Rosary Church. On mercy Sunday here at 9 AM, the Mass will be offered for her soul. Requiescat in pace.
If anyone is interested in volunteering, please email dflanigen@yahoo.com or call 467-8747. Some of the opportunities include church cleaning, parish center cleaning, outdoor spring clean up (when the weather breaks), and program/bulletin stapling and folding. If we get enough volunteers for church cleaning, we hope to rotate teams.
CASE TRAINING The Diocese of Rochester requires volunteers who work with children, youth or vulnerable adults to participate in Creating a Safe Environment (CASE) training. As our community grows, our volunteers will need this training. If you need to be trained or have any questions, call SKT-LMC at 484-1810 or email lmcommunity3@gmail.com . For more information, visit the diocesan website at www.DOR.org and click on Safe Environment.
WEBSITE DESIGN – We are looking for someone to volunteer their time and expertise to help our community create an informative and inspiring website. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact benanderson@benanderson.us .
OFFICE FURNITURE – We are currently setting up some office space at the Parish Center and are in need of donated furniture. Our most immediate need is for office desks and office chairs. Other accoutrements would be appreciated as well. (rugs, lamps, etc). Call 484-1810 or email lmcommunity3@gmail.com.