September 20, 2015
TODAY’S HOLY MASSES are offered for these intentions:
9:00 AM For Donald Edwards + (req. by John & Josephine Baccoli & Mary Ann Pembroke)
11:15 AM For Paul Salamida + (req. by the Long Family)
9:00 AM For Thea Mishia + (req. by Family)
11:15 AM For Dr Edward Diamond (req. by wife, Eleanor)
TO REQUEST AND SCHEDULE INTENTIONS for both of our Masses, please call 585-484-1810 or email to lmcommunity3@gmail.com. Leave a message which includes; name of person(s) for whom Mass will be offered; is person living or deceased?; preferred date and time of Mass (9 or 11:15 AM?); and phone number to reach you. The stipend check should be made payable to SAINT KATERI PARISH for the exact amount of the Mass stipend. The stipend is $10 per Mass.
XXIV SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME / XVI SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST (September 13, 2015) 9:00 AM Attendance: 200 Offerings: $ 1,754.89 11:15 AM Attendance: 160 Offerings: $ 1,596.00 TOTAL 360 $ 3,350.89 WEEKLY TARGET AMOUNT.............................$ 4,000.00
THANK YOU for your generosity. To maintain and grow our community, we need your support, not only material but especially spiritual. May God continue to bless us and make us one family in the Faith.
HOW TO CONTRIBUTE Checks should be made payable to “St. Kateri Tekakwitha-Latin Mass Community” OR for short, “SKT-LMC”. If you do not have pre-printed envelopes, contributions can be placed in the blue envelopes OR loose in the collection baskets. Contributions deposited in envelopes from neighboring parishes will be returned to those home parishes and will not be credited to SKT-LMC. SKT-LMC envelopes deposited in neighboring parish collections will be returned and credited to us. Please be aware that, even though the SKT-LMC operates financially under ST. KATERI PARISH, the SKT-LMC does not subsidize ST. KATERI PARISH, and ST.KATERI PARISH does not subsidize the SKT-LMC. We must rely on our own monetary income to support our activities and facilities.
SECOND COLLECTION TODAY, taken up for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. This Campaign, founded several years ago, provides funding for groups that make lasting change and uplift the poor in our country. The American bishops mandate this collection in all parishes and churches. Please consider giving to the CCHD Collection today. Checks should be addressed to St. Kateri Parish, because the parish handles these funds for us. Thank you!
IF YOU HAVE FOUND A SPIRITUAL HOME in our Latin Mass Community here at St. Thomas’, please consider registering with us. Use the census forms found at the entrance door tables. On the top write in clear letters “LMC”. Place form in the collection basket. Welcome!
WE DO NEED VOLUNTEERS to help maintain our facilities, especially in the area of church and parish center cleaning. We need YOU! Please email dflanigen@yahoo.com or call 467-8747. Enough volunteers will enable us to have rotating teams.
CHURCH FLOWERS. Interested in helping once a month with flowers for the church? Please contact Ginny Maurer at 368-8869.
HAVE YOU SEEN OUR WEBSITE? Check it out at www.skt-lmc.org. Special thanks to Ben Anderson, Jason Herforth, and Jonathan Lane. Email address: contact@ If you have any suggestions to add, contact benanderson@benanderson.us.
THE EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL, adjacent to the Parish Center must continue to be a very important powerhouse of prayer for us and for people in our area. Hours of adoration are on Mondays through Fridays from 9 AM to 10 PM (11 PM on Tuesday and Friday). WE NEED MORE ADORERS TO MAKE SURE THAT EVERY HOUR IS COVERED. Please consider signing up for an hour or being on the substitute list. Contact Marie O’Leary at 467-1982.
CASE TRAINING The Diocese of Rochester requires volunteers who work with children, youth or vulnerable adults to participate in Creating a Safe Environment (CASE) training. If you plan to volunteer for a ministry that involves working with children, youth or vulnerable adults, you will need to take the class on-line from your home computer or attend a training session. Please call or email Kathy Beauchamp at 484-1810 or email lmcommunity3@gmail.com for further instructions.
DRESS CODE in CHURCH remains in effect for late summer days. Please dress respectfully, neatly and modestly when attending Holy Mass, thus showing reverence for God and neighbor. Short pants or short skirts, tank tops or halter tops, strapless outfits, tight-fitting and revealing outfits are not appropriate. THANK YOU, in advance, for your courtesy and cooperation.
FAITH FORMATION (CCD) classes will begin next Sunday September 27 in the Parish Center classrooms (upstairs) from 10:10 to 11:05 AM. TODAY September 20, there will be an “OPEN HOUSE” at the Parish Center for ALL PARENTS who are enrolling their children in Faith Formation and/or Sacramental Preparation. These parents (with their children and young people) will be able to see the classrooms, meet the volunteer staff, and look at the curriculum. Our Faith Formation Coordinator is Andy Follaco, at andrew.follaco@bcs1.org If you are interested in enrolling your son or daughter in preparation classes for any of the Sacraments, please know the following from Bishop Matano’s Policies for Administering the Sacraments: Children should be participating in CCD OR Catholic School the year prior to the reception of First Penance and First Communion. For Confirmation, students must enroll in our CCD program for their 8th grade year in order to be properly prepared to receive the Sacrament during their 9th grade year. There also must be additional classes held starting six weeks prior to the reception of each individual Sacrament. Note that because this is our first year, there could be some wiggle room for those looking to receive a Sacrament this school year. Please contact Andy Follaco with questions.
EVANGELIZATION: The SKT-LMC Evangelization is off the ground, being directed by Gene Michael. More details to come in future bulletins.
ENGLISH MASS CHOIR — A new choir for our 9AM Novus Ordo Mass is in the process of being formed. If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please contact John Morabito via e-mail or phone. E-mail: john.a.morabito@gmail.com Phone: 724-777-4701
LATIN MASS CHOIR — Our Latin Mass Choir and Schola have begun rehearsing. If you are interested in joining either of these groups, please e-mail or call John Morabito for information. E-mail: john.a.morabito@gmail.com Phone: 724-777-4701
THE “AMBROSIAN GLORIA” has been introduced at the 9 AM Mass, and the antiphonal (alternating) chanting of it in Latin has been quite successful. Latin is the official language of the Catholic Church and so it is always permissible to use it at liturgical services (in both FORMS of the Roman Rite). In fact, in the initial planning phase of the SKT-LMC, Bishop Matano suggested that Latin music could be used at our English Mass, as is the case in many places in the universal Church today (e.g. at Masses celebrated by Pope Francis at the Vatican and in other parts of the world).
OUESTION OR CONCERN? If you have any questions, concerns, or comments you would like to share regarding SKT-LMC, please drop a note in the collection basket or send an email to lmcommunity3@gmail.com.
BLESSING OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS (PETS): The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi falls on a Sunday this year, OCTOBER 4, and so it will be an ideal time for you to have your pets receive a blessing in honor of him who revered all God’s creatures. Bring them at 1:00 PM. This will take place outdoors. Rain date: OCTOBER 11.
REGARDING COFFEE HOURS: Because of today’s Faith Formation Open House at the Parish Center, a coffee hour open to everyone will not be convenient. However, light refreshments will be provided for the parents and children who attend the Open House. In the future, coffee hours will take place on the first month Sunday of every and certainly possibly on other special occasions. Thanks to those who work hard to put on social occasions for us to enjoy one another’s company.
WOMEN’S CARE CENTER The Women’s Care Center, located at 3252 Lake Avenue in Rochester, cordially invites you to a special prayer service for protection of the unborn, and blessing of the center on Tuesday, September 29th, the Feast of the Archangels, at 6:30 p.m. featuring newly ordained priest Fr. Matthew Jones. Reception and refreshments to follow. All are welcome. For more information, please contact the Women’s Care Center at 865-0360.
12TH ANNUAL CHESTERTON CONFERENCE The Rochester NY Chesterton Society presents More than Magic, a look at G. K. Chesterton’s “The Ethics of Elfland” on Saturday, September 26th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at St. John Fisher College in the Coleman Chapel in Murphy Hall. Guests include Dale Ahlquist, Joseph Pearce, Kevin O’Brien, and James Warren. Donation: $10; students are free. For more information, visit www.rochesterton.com.
19TH ANNUAL LHHL AWARD BANQUET This year’s banquet on Friday, October 9th, honors pro-life leaders Bob and Marie Pieters with the Leo Holmsten Human Life award. Past recipients include Dr. Barbara and Jan Fredericks, Dr. Thomas and Jeanne Sweeney, and Geraldine Oftedahl, all from the former parish here at St. Thomas the Apostle. For more information, call Dorothy at 342-4175 or Cathy at 749-8078. You may also register online at Leo Holmsten Human Life Committee