January 3, 2016
TODAY’S HOLY MASSES are offered for these intentions:
9:00 AM For James Crisafulli +
(req. by Grisdale Family)
11:15 AM For Dr. Edward Diamond +
(req. by wife, Eleanor)
9:00 AM For Mary Conte +
(req. by Conte Family)
11:15 AM For the special intentions of Jonah Grubaugh +
(req. by Belokur Family)
TO REQUEST AND SCHEDULE INTENTIONS for both of our Masses, please call 585-484-1810 or email to lmcommunity3@gmail.com. Leave a message which includes; name of person(s) for whom Mass will be offered; is person living or deceased; preferred date and time of Mass (9 or 11:15 AM?); and phone number to reach you. The stipend check should be made payable to SAINT KATERI PARISH for the “exact” amount of the Mass stipend. The stipend is $10 per Mass. **Note: Envelopes are now available for Mass Intentions. Please look for them at all church entrances. Please drop your envelope in the collection basket or mail to us (not to St. Kateri Parish) at SKT-LMC @St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 4536 St. Paul Blvd. Rochester, NY 14617.
December 25, 2015
9:00 AM Attendance: 169 Offerings: $3,495.00 11:15 AM Attendance: 184 Offerings: $2,143.00 TOTAL 353 $5,638.00
December 27, 2015
9:00 AM Attendance: 217 Offerings: $2,380.00 11:15 AM Attendance: 158 Offerings: $2,191.00 TOTAL 375 $4,571.60 WEEKLY TARGET AMOUNT………………. $4,500.00
THANK YOU for these generous donations to the SKT-LMC. On both these days we brought in more than our target amount. Remember: the donation of your prayers for our Community’s growth and stability is the best gift of all!
HOW TO CONTRIBUTE Checks should be made payable to “St. Kateri Tekakwitha-Latin Mass Community” OR for short, “SKT-LMC”. If you have pre-printed envelopes, please use them. If not, contributions can be placed in the blue envelopes OR loose in the collection baskets. Contributions deposited in envelopes from neighboring parishes will be returned to those home parishes and will not be credited to SKT-LMC. SKT-LMC envelopes deposited in neighboring parish collections will be returned and credited to us. Please be aware that, even though the SKT-LMC operates financially under ST. KATERI PARISH, the SKT-LMC does not subsidize ST. KATERI PARISH, and ST.KATERI PARISH does not subsidize the SKT-LMC. We must rely on our own monetary income to support our activities and facilities.
ENVELOPE MAILINGS FOR REGISTERED MEMBERS: If you have not received your Jan/Feb packet of envelopes, please contact Kathy Beauchamp at 484-1810 or email to lmcommunity3gmail.com. In order for you to receive start receiving envelopes for March/April, you must be enrolled by January 10, 2016.
ON-LINE GIVING. SKT-LMC is now able to accept your weekly or monthly donations online. You can give either through our website skt-lmc.org or through a smartphone or tablet app. Instructions for giving are located on our website or in pamphlets available at all church entrances.
IF YOU HAVE FOUND A SPIRITUAL HOME in our Latin Mass Community here at St. Thomas’, please consider registering with us. Use the census forms found at the entrance door tables. Place form in the collection basket. Welcome!
DAILY ROSARY Did you know the Rosary is prayed in the church Monday through Friday at 8:15 a.m. and 6 p.m. and on Saturday at 8:45 a.m.? Come join us anytime.
WE DO NEED VOLUNTEERS to help maintain our facilities, especially in the area of church and parish center cleaning. We need YOU! Please email dflanigen@yahoo.com or call 467-8747. Enough volunteers will enable us to have rotating teams.
HAVE YOU SEEN OUR WEBSITE? Check it out at www.skt-lmc.org. Special thanks to Ben Anderson, Jason Herforth, and Jonathan Lane. Email address: contact@ If you have any suggestions to add, contact benanderson@benanderson.us.
THE EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL, adjacent to the Parish Center, must continue to be a very important powerhouse of prayer for us and for people in our area. Hours of adoration are on Mondays through Fridays from 9 AM to 10 PM (11 PM on Tuesday and Friday). WE NEED MORE ADORERS TO MAKE SURE THAT EVERY HOUR IS COVERED. Please consider signing up for an hour or being on the substitute list. See the posters at the church entrances. Contact Marie O’Leary at 467-1982.
“When you look at the Crucifix, you understand how much Jesus loved you then. When you look at the Sacred Host, you understand how much Jesus loves you now.”
—Blessed Mother Teresa
CASE TRAINING The Diocese of Rochester requires volunteers who work with children, youth or vulnerable adults to participate in Creating a Safe Environment (CASE) training. If you plan to volunteer for a ministry that involves working with children, youth or vulnerable adults, you will need to take the class on-line from your home computer or attend a training session. Please call or email Kathy Beauchamp at 484-1810 or email lmcommunity3@gmail.com for further instructions.
WHEN YOU COME TO CHURCH, please turn OFF all cell phones, hand-held electronic devices, pagers, watch alarms, etc. ALSO, remember to dress appropriately (neatly and modestly). Unfortunately, in many churches today, people tend to “dress down” for Mass. How can this be??? RESPECT and REVERENCE toward God and neighbor (i.e. charity) should determine how we present ourselves in the House of God. Thank you, in advance, for your courtesy and cooperation.
A LITTLE BEHIND? Do you have a son or daughter that is behind in receiving their sacraments? Contact Andy Follaco at andrew.follaco@bcs1.org to be assigned a tutor to get caught up! If you are receiving emails or letters from Saint Kateri’s Faith Formation Office and would no longer like to be on their contact list, please call 585-338-1146 to be removed.
MARCH FOR LIFE Due to little interest from our community, we will not be chartering a bus to Washington this year. Please consider joining us next year.
VOTIVE SANCTUARY CANDLES burn in the Lady Chapel (in the Church), and the Adoration Chapel (in the Parish Center). Would you like to have a dedicated candle burn in memory of a loved one OR for a special intention? To schedule a dedicated candle intention call (585) 388-7734. Donations for 7 day Church Tabernacle and Adoration Chapel lamps are $10.00 Donations for the 3 day hanging lamps in the Lady Chapel are $5.00. Envelopes for candle donations are available at all church entrances. Checks should be made payable to SKT-LMC.
Tabernacle Lamp (Church)
The Buchholz Family
(req. by Family)
Adoration Chapel Lamps
In memory of Patrice Zimmerman
(req. by Tricia Laufer)
In memory of Robert Lombino
(req. by Tricia Laufer)
FOOD CUPBOARD DONATION – Just a reminder that every Sunday throughout the year, we collect donations for the St. Andrew’s and Sister Regis food cupboards. Donations may be placed in the green baskets at each of the entrances.
PRAYING FOR THE SICK AND INFIRM. Happily, someone has come forward and offered to develop a method for listing sick and infirm loved ones in our SKT-LMC bulletin on a weekly basis, so that we may pray for them. At this point, we remember, these persons in need of intercession: Angela De Luca, Susan Lewis and Bill Schleuter. (In time, more names will be added.)
IN YOUR PRAYERS FOR THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED, please remember the soul of Lydia Garrity. She was a long-time parishoner of St. Thomas’ Parish and was a strong supporter of the SKT-LMC. Her Funeral Mass took place yesterday (January 2). Our sympathy goes out to her husband, Jim, and to all their family. Requiescat in pace.
CONGRATULATIONS to Deacon Michael Copenhagen upon his ordination to the Sacred Priesthood in the Catholic Melkite Rite. The ceremony took place at St. Nicholas Church on December 30. May the Lord make his priestly service very fruitful for the good of our Melkite Rite brothers and sisters in the one Church of Christ.
A new opportunity will be offered to The Latin Mass Community beginning on January 24, 2016, the 4th Sunday of the month. For those interested in exploring the Gospels which are read at the Latin Mass during the month, the first meeting will be in the Parish Center, in the large conference room on the second floor (turn left at the top of the stairs.) It will begin about 15-20 minutes after the Latin Mass ends, and continue for approximately 30-45 minutes. The plans are that this meeting will be held on each 4th Sunday (watch the bulletin for details in case schedules change).
There are five Sundays this month, so there will be a lot to choose from for discussion. Here are the Gospel texts we expect to hear read at Mass:
January 3: Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus: Luke 2, 21. Ever been confused about the name Emmanuel? Or when to use ‘Jesus’ and when to use ‘Christ’ or why we bow our heads at the Holy Name of Jesus but not at other words which describe the Lord?
January 10: Feast of the Holy Family: Luke 2, 42-52. This is the story of the 12 year old Jesus being ‘found’ in the Temple. But was He lost? Why do you think He stayed behind in Jerusalem when Joseph and Mary left for Nazareth?
January 17: Second Sunday after Epiphany: John 2, 1-11. Wedding of Cana. What a marvelous example of how our Mother Mary opens the way to Jesus, and how God’s gifts are ever so much more than we can imagine! What part of this Gospel seems ‘most important’ to you?
January 24: Septuagesima Sunday: Matthew 20, 1-16. Today we hear that the householder paid the last laborers who worked one hour the same as the first who worked all day. How can this be since God is just? How would we feel if we were the first laborers? If we were the last laborers?
January 31: Sexagesima Sunday: Luke 8: 4-15. The parable of the sowing of the seed is one of the very few that Christ actually explains in detail. Why? It must be very important to help us recognize what is the good ground in our lives? who or what steals seed from us? where is the hard rock? thorns?
On January 24th (the 4th Sunday) we will vote with a show of hands which Gospel(s) we most want to discuss, and re-read those, and share our thoughts. Come when you want; leave when you choose. All are welcome.
COFFEE HOURS TODAY—after BOTH Masses! Why don’t you stop over for a while? There will be no coffee hour on January 10th. Our coffee hours will continue to be held on the first and third Sundays of the month.