June 21, 2015
TODAY’S HOLY MASSES are offered for these intentions:
9:00AM For Dick and Roseanne Lawrence’s 35th Wedding Anniversary
11:15 AM For Leonard Butera, Father + (req. by children)
9:00 AM For Rosemary Fedin Scott + (req. by Nancy, Rich, Karri & Family)
11:15 AM For Chester & Helen Podgorski + (req. by David Podgorski)
TO REQUEST AND SCHEDULE INTENTIONS for both of our Masses, please call 585-484-1810 or email to lmcommunity3@gmail.com. Leave a message which includes; name of person(s) for whom Mass will be offered; is person living or deceased?; preferred date and time of Mass (9 or 11:15 AM?); and phone number to reach you. The stipend check should be made payable to SAINT KATERI PARISH for the exact amount of the Mass stipend. The stipend is $10 per Mass.
XI SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME / SOLEMNITY OF THE SACRED HEART (June 14, 2015) 9:00 AM Attendance: 169 Offerings: $ 1,585.50 11:15 AM Attendance: 157 Offerings: $ 1,565.00 TOTAL 326 $ 3,150.50 WEEKLY TARGET…………………………… $ 4,000.00
THANK YOU for your generous offerings. We must join our monetary sacrifices to the sacrifices of our prayers for our Community to flourish in faith, hope, and charity. God bless you!
HOW TO CONTRIBUTE Since our Community here at St. Thomas’ is not a legal entity, we need to have our finances run through the books of St. Kateri Parish. Therefore, checks should be made payable to “St. Kateri Tekakwitha-Latin Mass Community” OR for short, “SKT-LMC”. Contributions can be placed in the blue envelopes OR loose in the collection baskets. Contributions deposited in envelopes from neighboring parishes will be returned to those home parishes and will not be credited to SKT-LMC. SKT-LMC envelopes deposited in neighboring parish collections will be returned and credited to us.
SECOND COLLECTION NEXT SUNDAY for the special needs of the HOLY FATHER (Peter’s Pence). Checks should be made out to ST. KATERI PARISH.
IF YOU HAVE FOUND A SPIRITUAL HOME in our Latin Mass Community here at St. Thomas’, please consider registering with us. Use the census forms found at the entrance door tables. On the top write in clear letters “LMC”. Place form in the collection basket. Welcome!
WE DO NEED VOLUNTEERS to help maintain our facilities, especially in the area of church and parish center cleaning. We need YOU! Please email dflanigen@yahoo.com or call 467-8747. Enough volunteers will enable us to have rotating teams.
OUR MOST REVEREND BISHOP, SALVATORE MATANO, will be visiting us here on Sunday July 19. As a way of welcoming him ahead of time, why not drop him a line expressing your pleasure that he will be visiting? Sincere and brief notes can be addressed to him at: 1150 Buffalo Road Rochester, NY 14624.
FAITH FORMATION for our young people (a.k.a. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, C.C.D. or CATECHETICS) is a pressing need in our Community life. But first we have to determine the number and ages of the children to be involved AND the number of volunteer teachers willing to be of help. A FAITH FORMATION program, even a small one, should be an important PRIORITY for us, beginning in September. Of special import is preparation for FIRST PENANCE, FIRST COMMUNION, and CONFIRMATION.
DO YOU HAVE A YOUNG PERSON (GRADE SCHOOL OR HIGH SCHOOL) TO ENROLL? ARE YOU AVAILABLE AND REASONABLY QUALIFIED TO BE AN INSTRUCTOR? If so, AFTER MASS TODAY, come to the South entrance (vestibule) of the church to sign up. Someone will be there to take your information. This will give us a good idea of numbers, how to proceed, and what we can offer realistically. SIGN UP TODAY. (Third and final notice)
PRE-PRINTED DONATION ENVELOPES – If you have filled out a census form and have registered with our Community, we have arranged for you to receive your pre-printed donation envelopes in the mail. The envelopes will show your envelope number as well, and a 2 month supply will be mailed to you periodically. Please look for your envelopes this month which will cover the months of July and August. If you do not receive your envelopes, please call 484-1810 or email lmcommunity3@gmail.com.
MEDICAL PERSONNEL ALERT! In the rare event of a medical emergency happening during church services, what should we do? We need to have a plan in place that includes medically-trained persons responding immediately to a person-in distress, while we call 9-1-1 and wait for the ambulance to arrive. To discuss such a plan, we propose to bring together medical personnel (DOCTORS, RN’s, LPN’s, EMT’s, etc.) among us who are willing to be “on call” during Mass. To get prepared, all we need is to arrange a short meeting on a Sunday morning (between Masses?). In this regard, a little communication will go a long way! Are you qualified and willing to be on alert? Jim Holden is coordinating this. Call him at 585-598-2695.
SUMMER HAS ARRIVED, and with it comes the “temptation” to dress down or dress scantily for the sake of comfort. But…for church??? Please be advised to dress for Mass appropriately, neatly, and modestly. No short pants or skirts, please. Shoulders should be covered. We are in the House of God, not at a picnic, tennis match, or beach party. REVERENCE and RESPECT for God and neighbor should determine what we wear to church Think this through! Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation.
CONGRATULATIONS to the three deacons who were ordained to the Sacred Priesthood yesterday at Sacred Heart Cathedral: Michael Fowler, Matthew Jones, and Carlos Sanchez. A fourth, Daniel Sierra, was also supposed to be ordained, but his mother became seriously ill and he needed to go home to her in Columbia. Of the new priests, Fathers Michael Fowler and Matthew Jones have visited the LMC in the past, and we hope they will return in the future.