August 16, 2015
TODAY WE ARE WELCOMING FATHER PETER MOTTOLA who is, as you know, doing studies at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. He will preach at both Masses and offer the 11:15 in the Extraordinary Form.
TODAY’S HOLY MASSES are offered for these intentions:
9:00 AM For Charles Laniak + ( Req. by Family)
11:15 AM In celebration of the 48th Wedding Anniversary of Sharon & Bill Mooney
9:00 AM For Father Joseph Lanzalaco, C.S.B. + (req by SKT-Latin Mass Community)
11:15 AM For Joseph and Nellie Tette + (req. by Daughter, Pamela Tette)
TO REQUEST AND SCHEDULE INTENTIONS for both of our Masses, please call 585-484-1810 or email to lmcommunity3@gmail.com. Leave a message which includes; name of person(s) for whom Mass will be offered; is person living or deceased?; preferred date and time of Mass (9 or 11:15 AM?); and phone number to reach you. The stipend check should be made payable to SAINT KATERI PARISH for the exact amount of the Mass stipend. The stipend is $10 per Mass.
XIX SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME / XI SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST (August 9, 2015) 9:00 AM Attendance: 160 Offerings: $ 1,687.00 11:15 AM Attendance: 160 Offerings: $ 1,764.00 TOTAL 320 $ 3,451.00 WEEKLY TARGET AMOUNT........................... $ 4,000.00
THANK YOU for your generous offerings. We must join our monetary sacrifices to the sacrifices of our prayers for our Community to flourish in faith, hope, and charity. God bless you!
HOW TO CONTRIBUTE Checks should be made payable to “St. Kateri Tekakwitha-Latin Mass Community” OR for short, “SKT-LMC”. If you do not have pre-printed envelopes, contributions can be placed in the blue envelopes OR loose in the collection baskets. Contributions deposited in envelopes from neighboring parishes will be returned to those home parishes and will not be credited to SKT-LMC. SKT-LMC envelopes deposited in neighboring parish collections will be returned and credited to us. Please be aware that, even though the SKT-LMC operates financially under ST. KATERI PARISH, the SKT-LMC does not subsidize ST. KATERI PARISH, and ST.KATERI PARISH does not subsidize the SKT-LMC. We must rely on our own monetary income to support our activities and facilities.
IF YOU HAVE FOUND A SPIRITUAL HOME in our Latin Mass Community here at St. Thomas’, please consider registering with us. Use the census forms found at the entrance door tables. On the top write in clear letters “LMC”. Place form in the collection basket. Welcome!
WE DO NEED VOLUNTEERS to help maintain our facilities, especially in the area of church and parish center cleaning. We need YOU! Please email dflanigen@yahoo.com or call 467-8747. Enough volunteers will enable us to have rotating teams.
CHURCH FLOWERS. Interested in helping once a month with flowers for the church? Please contact Ginny Maurer at 368-8869.
HAVE YOU SEEN OUR WEBSITE? Check it out at www.skt-lmc.org. Special thanks to Ben Anderson, Jason Herforth, and Jonathan Lane. Email address: contact@ If you have any suggestions to add, contact benanderson@benanderson.us.
THE EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL, adjacent to the Parish Center must continue to be a very important powerhouse of prayer for us and for people in our area. Hours of adoration are on Mondays through Fridays from 9 AM to 10 PM (11 PM on Tuesday and Friday). WE NEED MORE ADORERS TO MAKE SURE THAT EVERY HOUR IS COVERED. Please consider signing up for an hour or being on the substitute list. Contact Marie O’Leary at 467-1982.
CASE TRAINING The Diocese of Rochester requires volunteers who work with children, youth or vulnerable adults to participate in Creating a Safe Environment (CASE) training. If you plan to volunteer for a ministry that involves working with children, youth or vulnerable adults, you will need to take the class on-line from your home computer or attend a training session. Please call or email Kathy Beauchamp at 484-1810 or email lmcommunity3@gmail.com for further instructions.
GADGET and DRESS CODE When in church, please turn OFF all cell phones, hand-held electronic devices, pagers, watch alarms or any other gadget that makes a wrong-ful (not-joyful) noise in the House of God. ALSO, remember that the following are NOT appropriate here: short pants or skirts; tank tops or halter tops; strapless, tight-fitting and revealing outfits. And, of course, flip-flops! (Curiously, a 1946 Webster’s Dictionary defines “gadget” as “any novel contrivance.”)
YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to the wedding of Joel Morehouse and Julia Tucker, which is to take place at St. Mary’s Church in Auburn, NY. The date: September 5, 2015. The time: 11 AM. After the Wedding Mass, a light reception will follow. Joel was the Chant Master for the Latin Mass Community at St. Stanislaus for some time. We pray for him and his fiancé as they prepare for their Nuptial Mass and their life together in Christ.
COFFEE HOURS are NOT being held through the rest of August, thus giving our hard-working volunteers a needed summer break.