September 4, 2016 |
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are offered for these intentions – |
09:00 AM | 45th Wedding Anniversary for Marcy & Louis Gabello + |
(req. by Matthew Babello) | |
11:15 AM | Norma Dela Rosa + |
(req. by Vincent & Miriam Gorre) |
HOLY MASS INTENTIONS September 11, 2016 |
09:00 AM | For the Deceased Members of the Schauber Family + |
(req. by Ann Schauber) | |
11:15 AM | Rose DeFazio + |
(req. by Leonard & Bonnie DeFazio) |
To request and schedule intentions for both of our Masses, please call 585-484-1810 or email to KBeauchamp@dor.org. to reserve a date before paying for a Mass. The stipend check of $10 per Mass should be made payable to SAINT KATERI Parish (not SKT-LMC). Please use the Mass Intention envelopes located in the literature racks at all entrances to the Church. Drop your envelope in the collection basket or mail it our Parish Center address. (not to St. Kateri Parish) at SKT-LMC @St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 4536 St. Paul Blvd. Rochester, NY 14617 |
SANCTUARY CANDLES burn in the Lady Chapel (in the Church), and the Adoration Chapel (in the Parish Center). Would you like to have a dedicated candle burn in memory of a loved one OR for a special intention? To schedule a dedicated candle intention call (585) 388-7734. Donations for 7 day Church Tabernacle and Adoration Chapel lamps are $10.00 each. Donations for the 3 day hanging lamps in the Lady Chapel are $5.00 each. Envelopes for candle donations are available at all church entrances in the literature racks. Checks should be made payable to SKT-LMC. Place envelopes in the collection basket. |
Tabernacle Lamp (Church) |
In memory of Edward Modzel |
(req. by daughter) |
Adoration Chapel Lamp |
In memory of Jo Ann Yount |
(req. by Bob) |
August 28, 2016 | ||||
9:00 AM | Attendance | 168 | Offerings | $2,790.76 |
11:15 AM | Attendance | 140 | Offerings | $1,167.03 |
TOTAL | 308 | TOTAL | $3,957.79 | |
WEEKLY TARGET AMOUNT | $4,500.00 | |||
THANK YOU as always, for this excellent demonstration of your generosity. As always, let your contributions be joined to your offerings of prayer for the stability and growth of the SKT-LMC. |
Checks should be made payable to “St. Kateri Tekakwitha-Latin Mass Community” OR for short, “SKT-LMC”. If you receive your envelopes by mail, please use them. If not, contributions can be placed in the blue envelopes OR loose in the collection baskets. You also have the option of ONLINE GIVING. Access to On-Line giving is available through our website www.skt-lmc.org or through a smartphone or tablet app. Instructions for giving are located on our website or in pamphlets available at all church entrances. You may also sign up for automatic withdrawals with or without covering the small fee for transaction processing. |
To register with SKT-LMC, simply complete a census form found in the literature racks at all church entrances, and at the Parish Center. If you have any questions regarding registration or envelopes, please contact Eileen Burke at 266-7287 or email to Eburke@dor.org. The deadline for the Sept/Oct envelopes has now passed. |
Please check out our website at www.skt-lmc.org to see this and all previous notices as well as upcoming events. |
Each Sunday throughout the year, SKT-LMC collects donations of non-perishable food items for local food cupboards, for the purpose of alleviating hunger caused by poverty in our area. The need is very real, even though we may not “see” it close-up. Donations may be placed in the green baskets in each of the church vestibules. |
WE ARE ALWAYS IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS to help maintain our facilities, especially in the area of church and parish center cleaning. We need YOU! Please email dflanigen@yahoo.com or call 467-8747. Enough volunteers will enable us to have rotating teams. |
Sign-up sheets are next to the bulletins as you enter church for those who would like to be added to our Faith Formation program for the 2016-2017 school year. Please take a moment to fill them out in one of the vestibules as you leave church. |
We are offering classes for: |
1. K-7th grade. Students will be grouped based off of a combination of knowledge and age.
2. First Penance and First Communion: For students in the 2nd grade who do not attend our weekly classes. 3. Confirmation Year 1: ALL students entering their 8th grade year that wish to receive the Sacrament during their 9th grade year MUST be enrolled in this course. While there was an exception to the rule this past year, it has been made clear that all students from this point forward need to be prepared through our Community. 4. Confirmation Year 2: This class is closed to new entrants, as Confirmation Year 1 is a prerequisite course. 5. Apologetics: A course for students that have been confirmed (up to age 21) to know our Faith more deeply and to be able to defend our Faith to others. |
Parents of students that are currently in our program do NOT need to fill out a new form. It is assumed that you will be continuing with us unless you notify Andy to the contrary. |
THE EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL, adjacent to the Parish Center, must continue to be a very important powerhouse of prayer and place of spiritual refuge for us and for people in our area. Hours of adoration are on Mondays through Fridays from 9AM to 10PM (11PM on Tuesdays and Fridays). WE URGENTLY NEED TO ENGAGE MORE ADORERS TO MAKE SURE THAT EVERY HOUR IS COVERED. Young people need to participate in this apostolate of adoration also! Please consider signing up for an hour or being on the substitute list. Contact Marie O’Leary at 467-1982. |
WHEN YOU COME TO CHURCH, please turn OFF all cell phones, hand-held electronic devices, pagers, watch alarms, etc., and anything else that can disrupt our sacred time with God. It is possible for messaging and texting to wait until later! |
DRESS CODE: There really is no specific dress code or mandated attire for Church except propriety. In St. Peter’s in Rome, there are very strictly enforced regulations which everyone takes in stride. Withe the summer time, the question has already come up from parishioners as to what is acceptable or not. The concentration of the complaints seems to be on shorts (adults: men and women), halters, and “see-through” clothes. So far, no complaints about anyone “shirtless” or “shoeless”. We appreciate your help in preserving an atmosphere of regard for the holiness of the Church in which you worship.
(Reprinted from the St. Thomas the Apostle Church bulletin of June June 27, 1993.) |
THERE ARE (AT LEAST) THREE REASONS to maintain a prayerful, quiet atmosphere in the church proper before and after services: (1) RESPECT for the House of God, (2) REVERENCE for the Blessed Sacrament, and (3) REGARD for those who want to pray in peace. The guiding principle should be DEVOTION NOT COMMOTION. Please carry on your friendly conversations in the church vestibules (with inside doors closed), outside, or at the coffee hours. Reverence and friendliness can and should co-exist—in their proper settings!! |
Judy Burns has volunteered to coordinate the SKT-LMC bulletin listing of sick and infirm members, relatives, and friends. The list will be there so that we might pray for them. Please note that NO health information will be printed in this bulletin. Judy will coordinate the names: long-term? Short-term? When to take off list? etc. To put names on the list, contact Judy Burns at (cell) 585-738-5156 OR (e-mail) burnsie320@yahoo.com. | |
Angela DeLuca | Peter Calviera |
Jim Holden | Florian & Veronica Czerniak |
Sharon Mooney | Mary Sanders |
Jeanne Bleier | Bill Schlueter |
Jeanette Clark | Rocco Deluca |
Patrick Bleier | Jean Lloyd |
Rose Marie Veltre | Evelyn Wolter |
Jamie Slader | Joe LoGiudice |
Mary Echaniz McMahon | Jonathan Gray |
Jacob J. Hubbel, Sr. | Joan Marie Gray |
Bernie Verhagen | |
May the Divine Physician of our souls and bodies help and heal them, through His Divine Mercy. |
Diocesan Respect Life Sunday Mass | |
Bishop Matano is celebrating this Mass in honor of 20 years of Project Rachel ministry in the Diocese of Rochester. He will bless and commission all who are involved in Project Rachel. There will be a reception afterward in appreciation of Fr. James Hewes, whose vision and 18 years of Project Rachel leadership were instrumental. Mass is Sunday, October 2 at 2:00 PM in Sacred Heart Cathedral, 296 Flower City Park, Rochester. All are welcome! | |
Annual Blue Mass | |
The Most Reverend Salvatore R. Matano, Bishop of Rochester, will preside at the Annual Blue Mass for members of law enforcement on Sunday, October 16, 2016. The Mass will be held at Sacred Heart Cathedral at 11:15 a.m. All are welcome to attend to pray for these brave men and women who daily risk their lives to protect our community. Representatives from local, county, state and federal law enforcement agencies throughout our community will attend the Mass. Sacred Heart Cathedral is located at 296 Flower City Park, between Dewey and Lake avenues, in Rochester. | |
Upcoming celebrations at the Holy Door of Mercy at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Rochester | |
September 2, 2016 | 6:30 PM Mass for First Friday, followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and individual Confessions until 8 p.m.
October 7, 2016 | 6:30 p.m. Mass for First Friday, followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and individual Confessions until 8 p.m. Homily: “Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, our hope.” Bishop Matano, celebrant. |
November 2, 2016 | 6:30 p.m. Mass for All Souls Day, followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and individual confessions until 8 p.m. Homily: “Through the Mercy of God, may they rest in peace.” Bishop Matano, celebrant. |
November 4, 2016 | 6:30 p.m. Mass for First Friday, followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions until 8 p.m. |
November 20, 2016 | Closing of the Holy Door of Mercy at the 5 p.m. Mass. Bishop Matano, celebrant. |
Pope Francis has declared that passing through the Holy Door of Mercy, located in our Diocese at the inside center entrance of the Cathedral, will offer the possibility of obtaining a Plenary Indulgence, a remission of the temporal punishment due to sins, by participating in the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Eucharist, praying for the Holy Father’s personal intentions, and praying the Profession of Faith (the Creed). |
You might have noticed that over the last few months improvements are being made to the church facility. These improvements are the result of volunteers that have come forward with their time and talent along with their generous offerings. We are so grateful to all of those individuals. If you also would like to donate your time, talent, or generosity for a specific project, please contact Denise Flanigen at 467-8747, who is coordinating our volunteers. Not sure what needs to be done? Here are a few items from the Community’s new “Wish List”. Can you or would you like to help? | |
Basketball hoop | We are still in need of a basketball hoop & repairs. |
Folding chairs and tables | We are still looking for financial support to provide adult seating. Faith Formation is in need of 6 folding tables ($54/each) and 20 folding chairs ($25/each). If you would like to help, it would be greatly appreciated. Even a small donation is welcome. |
Communion Rail | A number of parishioners have asked that the padding on the communion rail be repaired and updated. We are currently in the process of getting prices. Donations are appreciated. |
Prayers | Please pray for the continued success of this Community, the mercy of God, and the protective grace of His Blessed Mother. |
Each entrance-way to the church now has a number of religious pamphlets and booklets in the book racks. These items are being supplied by the Evangelization Committee, thanks to a generous donation by one of our members. Please feel free to take any material that is of interest. Please note that nothing should be placed on the book racks or on the bulletin boards without first obtaining permission from Father Bonsignore. |
…in our Latin Mass Community here at St. Thomas’, please consider registering with us. Use the census forms found in brown envelopes on the literature racks in the church vestibules. Place completed forms in the collection basket. Welcome! |
The time has come to train new servers. Needed are boys in the fourth grade and up who have a real interest in serving for Sunday Masses and other Services. Please call Father Bonsignore at 585-244-8692 and leave a message OR give him the names and phone numbers in person. Vocations to the Priesthood are often inspired when boys serve at the altar of God with attentiveness and reverence. |
We are organizing a church cookbook as a fundraiser for our Community. We are looking for your favorite recipes from all our SKT-LMC families, at St. Thomas the Apostle Church. We will also be including some classic recipes from the original STA cookbooks from circa ‘70s-‘80s. Including recipes from the STA School Cafeteria staff. The original pizza bun recipe will be included!! We have an aggressive deadline so as to have them ready for Christmas presents. So, please bring in your type written or neatly printed recipes for submission. Feel free to multiple recipes. Please include your name and phone number, in case we have questions. We will place baskets at each entrance for you to drop your recipes off or you can email them to Sue Buckley at: buckley1@rochester.rr.com If you have any questions, please contact either Sue at 544-0203 Eileen Burke at 266-7287. | |
Soon there will be a link to the publisher for those that would like to submit directly via the internet. |
2016-2017 |
Children’s Choir | Several children have come forward to participate in a children’s choir, but a few more are needed. If your child is in grades 1-5 and would like to participate please talk to John Morabito after Mass.
We are looking to form a children’s choir in our community. The first year will focus on basic musicianship skills such as music reading and vocal production. The choir will learn the basic chants and hymns of the church and will sing at the 9AM and 11:15AM Mass on various Sundays throughout the year. If your child is interested in participating, please e-mail John Morabito at john.a.morabito@gmail.com or talk to him after Mass. |
Adult Choir –
11:15AM Mass |
The Latin Mass Adult Choir provides music for our 11:15AM Mass several times per year. Currently, the choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 7:30PM. Members of this choir must have basic music reading skills. If you are interested in joining this choir, please contact John Morabito at john.a.morabito@gmail.com. |
Adult Schola – 11:15AM Mass | The Latin Mass Schola focuses mostly on the Gregorian Chant heard at our 11:15AM Mass. New members are always welcome. Members of this choir must have basic music reading skills. The Schola rehearses on Thursday evenings before choir rehearsal. Most of the Schola members, also sing with the Adult Choir. If you are interested in joining this schola, please contact John Morabito at john.a.morabito@gmail.com. |
Adult Choir –
9AM Mass |
Currently, a core group of singers taken from the 11:15AM Mass Choir sings for our 9AM English Mass. If there is enough interest and new members, there is a possibility of expanding this choir to include a weekly rehearsal. If you are interested in joining this choir, please contact John Morabito at john.a.morabito@gmail.com. |
Middle School /
High School Choir and Schola |
Several people have approached and asked about the possibility of forming a choir of Middle School / High School students from our Community. In its first year, this choir will focus on learning the basics of singing Gregorian Chant and Polyphony. This choir will sing at the English and Latin Masses throughout the year. Please e-mail John Morabito at john.a.morabito@gmail.com or talk to him after Mass. |
TO REMEMBER THE SKT-LMC IN YOUR WILL, the following phraseology should be used to direct a monetary bequest (2 options): | |
1) I give and bequest the sum of $__________to St. Kateri Tekakwitha -Latin Mass Community for its general purposes (or for a specific named program_______). OR | |
2) I give and bequest___% of the remainder of my estate after all debts, taxes, expenses and family bequests have been paid, to St. Kateri Tekakwitha-Latin Mass Community for its general purposes (or for a specific named program_________). |
to Joshua List and Theresa Paoletti, now joined in Christ’s Holy Sacrament of Matrimony. Their September 2 Nuptial Mass was the beginning of their journey together in life on the way to the eternal marriage of Jesus and His Church in heaven. |
…presents Father Peter VanLieshout speaking on pro-life issues at St. Patrick’s Parish Center, 115 Maple Avenue, Victor, NY. Date: Thursday, September 8 2016, at 6:00 PM. Complimentary catered meal of deli sandwiches and salads. RSVP: themays73@yahoo.com OR call Rich Paoletti at 585-489-9555. |
In the church vestibules, on the literature racks, you will find flyers entitled “An Invitation From the Legion of Mary.” The Legion is a tested and proven association of Catholic laity dedicated to serving the mission of the Church under the patronage of the Blessed Mother. The flyers are a brief introduction to an organization that has done tremendous work for many years on behalf of souls in a quiet but effective way. Anyone interested in learning more or in joining the Legion should contact Janice Caretta at 585-266-0672 OR e-mail her at janicec@rochester.rr.com. |
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has called for all U.S. dioceses to conduct an emergency second collection to assist people affected by the devastating flooding in Louisiana. Funds collected will support the humanitarian efforts of Catholic Charities USA and the Catholic dioceses impacted by the disaster. This collection will be taken up next week on Sunday, September 11. This is a work of mercy that needs to be done! Please participate generously. Checks should be addressed to St. Kateri Parish. |
During the summer there will be no Scripture Study after the Latin Mass. |
No Coffee Hours hosted today. |