May 1, 2016
TODAY’S HOLY MASSES are offered for these intentions:
9:00 AM For the Intentions of our First Communicants
11:15 AM For the Intentions of our First Communicants
9:00 AM For Diane Capellupo + (req. by Helen Melville)
11:15 AM For the Special Intention of Kathy Murphy (req. by Family)
To request and schedule intentions for both of our Masses, please call 585-484-1810 or email to KBeauchamp@dor.org. to reserve a date before paying for a Mass. The stipend check of $10 per Mass should be made payable to SAINT KATERI Parish (not SKT-LMC). Please use the Mass Intention envelopes located on the bulletin table at all entrances to the Church. Drop your envelope in the collection basket or mail it our Parish Center address. (not to St. Kateri Parish) at SKT-LMC @St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 4536 St. Paul Blvd. Rochester, NY 14617
SANCTUARY CANDLES burn in the Lady Chapel (in the Church), and the Adoration Chapel (in the Parish Center). Would you like to have a dedicated candle burn in memory of a loved one OR for a special intention? To schedule a dedicated candle intention call (585) 388-7734. Donations for 7 day Church Tabernacle and Adoration Chapel lamps are $10.00 Donations for the 3 day hanging lamps in the Lady Chapel are $5.00. Envelopes for candle donations are available at all church entrances. Checks should be made payable to SKT-LMC.
RECORD OF GIVING V SUNDAY OF EASTER / IV SUNDAY AFTER EASTER April 24, 2016 9:00 AM Attendance: 171 Offerings: $2,511.00 11:15 AM Attendance: 157 Offerings: $1,703.00 TOTAL 328 $4,214.00 WEEKLY TARGET AMOUNT..........................$4,500.00
THANK YOU for your ongoing support. We are all being blessed through your generosity. May all of our prayers bring us growth and advancement as a Community of FAITH and FRIENDSHIP in Christ.
Checks should be made payable to “St. Kateri Tekakwitha-Latin Mass Community” OR for short, “SKT-LMC”. If you receive your envelopes by mail, please use them. If not, contributions can be placed in the blue envelopes OR loose in the collection baskets. You also have the option of ONLINE GIVING. Access to On-Line giving is available through our website www.skt-lmc.org or through a smartphone or tablet app. Instructions for giving are located on our website or in pamphlets available at all church entrances. You may also sign up for automatic withdrawals with or without covering the small fee for transaction processing.
Ever forget your envelope? Hate writing checks week after week? Are you going on vacation and don’t want to think about how to get your envelopes to church? These reasons along with the growing simplicity of the internet make the online giving program at SKT-LMC a great advantage and blessing.
How does online giving work? It is private and secure. You can give any amount you choose on a date you specify using a debit or credit card. It is safe and easy. Joining our online giving program virtually eliminates all of that hassle with the envelope! If for any reason you need to suspend a donation, that’s easy, too.
Since SKT-LMC started this program, more and more people have chosen this way to contribute to the community. From an administrative perspective, the benefits have been great. Having a more consistent source of income allows us to make more accurate projections for future endeavors. If you have any questions or would like to sign up, friendly volunteers will be available in the south vestibule after each Mass. It will only take a minute!
If you have not received your envelopes for March/April by now, please contact Eileen Burke at 266-7287 or email to Eburke@dor.org. Enrollment deadline for the May/June envelopes has now closed. Next enrollment deadline for July/August envelopes is 5/15/16.
Congratulations to our students who are receiving their First Communion at both Masses today! A combination of our Community’s prayers and excellent parental participation in reinforcing topics at home on a regular basis has led to this incredible group of kids who are both knowledgeable of, and have the utmost respect for, the True Presence. Please take a moment to congratulate them after Mass at Coffee Hour. A very special thanks also goes out to Marielle Follaco for stepping in at the last minute and doing a masterful job teaching our young people.
Another special thank you goes to John and Mary Jo Maurer, who are giving free formal photographs of our First Communicants to their families. They will be available at the Parish Center after each Mass.
We are still in need of one more teacher to work with our Faith Formation Team. Most students will be in the 5th and 6th grade. Please email Andy at AFollaco@dor.org
High School and College aged men and women are encouraged to sign up for our Apologetics Course! We are looking for an accurate count as soon as possible. We can’t have these classes without the support of our parish families. Please consider talking to your sons and daughters about the importance of having the ability to defend their Faith in an increasingly adversarial climate.
This morning, along with the Court of Heaven, we have the PURE JOY of witnessing the First Holy Communion of these children of God:
(at the 9 o’clock Mass) Thomas Flanigen, John Hayes, Henry Welling, John-Paul Wren, Steven Clinkscales;
(at the 11:15 o’clock Mass) Amelia Caruso, Khadeeja Reed, Augustine Valentini, Josiah Belokur.
Our Blessed Lord first gave us the Most Blessed Sacrament out of the extravagant love of His Sacred Heart. May He now and always impart to these new communicants that special grace to believe firmly in the Eucharistic mystery, to adore the Lord truly present therein, to love Him Whom they welcome into their souls and bodies today, and to serve Him faithfully all the days of their lives. And may Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament obtain for ALL OF US the same grace to believe, adore, love and serve “the Bridegroom of our soul” in the “sweet Sacrament” of “divinest love.” (Father Bonsignore)
Please check out our website at www.skt-lmc.org to see this and all previous notices as well as upcoming events.
Each Sunday throughout the year, SKT-LMC collects donations of non-perishable food items for local food cupboards, for the purpose of alleviating hunger caused by poverty in our area. The need is very real, even though we may not “see” it close-up. Donations may be placed in the green baskets in each of the church vestibules.
WE ARE ALWAYS IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS to help maintain our facilities, especially in the area of church and parish center cleaning. We need YOU! Please email dflanigen@yahoo.com or call 467-8747. Enough volunteers will enable us to have rotating teams.
WHEN YOU COME TO CHURCH, please turn OFF all cell phones, hand-held electronic devices, pagers, watch alarms, etc. ALSO, remember to dress appropriately (neatly and modestly). Unfortunately, in many churches today, people tend to “dress down” for Mass. How can this be??? RESPECT and REVERENCE toward God and neighbor (i.e. charity) should determine how we present ourselves in the House of God. Thank you, in advance, for your courtesy and cooperation.
THERE ARE (AT LEAST) THREE REASONS to maintain a prayerful, quiet atmosphere in the church proper before and after services: (1) RESPECT for the House of God, (2) REVERENCE for the Blessed Sacrament, and (3) REGARD for those who want to pray in peace. The guiding principle should be devotion NOT commotion. Please carry on your friendly conversations in the church vestibules (with inside doors closed), outside, or at the coffee hours. Reverence and friendliness can and should co-exist—in their proper settings!!
Judy Burns has volunteered to coordinate the SKT-LMC bulletin listing of sick and infirm members, relatives, and friends. The list will be there so that we might pray for them. Please note that NO health information will be printed in this bulletin. Judy will coordinate the names: long-term? Short-term? When to take off list? etc. To put names on the list, contact Judy Burns at (cell) 585-738-5156 OR (e-mail) burnsie320 @yahoo.com.
PRAYER LIST Angela DeLuca,Fran Foss, Jim Holden, Florian & Veronica Czerniak, Sharon Mooney, Mary Sanders, Jeanne Bleier, Bill Schlueter May the Divine Physician of our souls and bodies help and heal them, through His Divine Mercy.
HOLYDAY OF OBLIGATION THIS WEEK on Ascension Thursday, May 5. LATIN MASS at 12 NOON, and ENGLISH MASS at 5:30 PM. Conscientious Catholics do not lightly excuse themselves from participation in Mass on days of OBLIGATION.
ON THE GLORIOUS SUNDAY OF PENTECOST, May 15, both our Masses will be sung:
Also, at the 9’o’clock, Rory Zimmer will be received into the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Confirmation and (first) Holy Communion. We keep Rory in our prayers as we approach the “Pentecost” of his life.
TODAY our FIRST HOLY COMMUNION solemnity and festivity will be doubly joyful as we also celebrate with Father Peter Helfrich the FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY of his ORDINATION TO THE SACRED PRIESTHOOD. His ordination took place on May 1, 1976, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Ogdensburg, NY with the laying-on-of-hands of Bishop Stanislaus Brzana. We congratlate Father Helfrich on this special milestone in his life, and we express our deepest appreciation to him for serving us so faithfully in the confessional and at the altar rail. His priestly ministry is so valuable to the life of our souls. For this we are truly and eternally grateful. AD MULTOS ANNOS!
THE COFFEE HOURS TODAY will be hosted after BOTH MASSES and in honor of our First Communicants. Please know you are invited. The second Coffee Hour gathering will also honor Father Helfrich; he will be there so that you can give him your own personal congratulations and best wishes.